Abstract P167: Title: Prediction of Arterial Stiffness from Early T-cell Activation among HIV and HCV Co-infected Women in the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS).

Roksana Karim, Naoko Kono, Robert Kaplan, Wendy J Mack, Howard N Hodis, Kathy Anastos, Jason Lazar, Mary Young, Phyllis Tien, Seema Desai, Elizabeth Golub, Andrea Kovacs. Abstract P167: Title: Prediction of Arterial Stiffness from Early T-cell Activation among HIV and HCV Co-infected Women in the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS). Circulation. 2012 Mar 13; 125(suppl_10).


Roksana Karim, Naoko Kono, Robert Kaplan, Wendy J Mack, Howard N Hodis, Kathy Anastos, Jason Lazar, Mary Young, Phyllis Tien, Seema Desai, Elizabeth Golub, Andrea Kovacs