
Left Ventricular Entry to Reduce Brain Lesions During Catheter Ablation: A Randomized Trial.


Marcus GM, Tung R, Gerstenfeld EP, Hue TF, Lin F, Cheng J, Weiss JP, Tzou WS, Hsia H, Ehdaie A, Cooper DH, Bunch TJ, Arkles J, Nazer B, Lee A, Hadjis A, Nguyen DT, Chelu MG, Moss J, Hsu JC, Valderrábano M, Bhave PD, Beaser AD, Kanagasundram A, Wazni O, Bradfield J, Wall G, Chang K, Yang M, Montenegro G, Jarrott S, Kramer JH, Kim AS, Morris YM, Dillon WP

Association of Coagulation Factor XI Level With Cardiovascular Events and Cardiac Function in Community-Dwelling Adults: From ARIC and CHS.


Ji Y, Zhang MJ, Wang W, Norby FL, Eaton AA, Inciardi RM, Alonso A, Sedaghat S, Ganz P, Van't Hof J, Solomon SD, Chaves PHM, Heckbert SR, Shah AM, Chen LY

Cardiac Arrhythmias and Autonomic Dysfunction Associated With COVID-19: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.


Gopinathannair R, Olshansky B, Chung MK, Gordon S, Joglar JA, Marcus GM, Mar PL, Russo AM, Srivatsa UN, Wan EY, American Heart Association Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee of the Council on Clinical

2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines.


Joglar JA, Chung MK, Armbruster AL, Benjamin EJ, Chyou JY, Cronin EM, Deswal A, Eckhardt LL, Goldberger ZD, Gopinathannair R, Gorenek B, Hess PL, Hlatky M, Hogan G, Ibeh C, Indik JH, Kido K, Kusumoto F, Link MS, Linta KT, Marcus GM, McCarthy PM, Patel N, Patton KK, Perez MV, Piccini JP, Russo AM, Sanders P, Streur MM, Thomas KL, Times S, Tisdale JE, Valente AM, Van Wagoner DR

Frequent Premature Atrial Contractions Lead to Adverse Atrial Remodeling and Atrial Fibrillation in a Swine Model.


Higuchi S, Voskoboinik A, Il Im S, Lee A, Olgin J, Arbil A, Afzal J, Marcus GM, Stillson C, Bibby D, Abraham T, Wilson E, Gerstenfeld EP

Abstract P540: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Antibody Response to COVID-19 Vaccination: The C4R Study.


John S Kim, Yifei Sun, Pallavi Balte, Mary Cushman, Russell P Tracy, Linda Styer, Michaela R Anderson, Norrina B Allen, Pamela Schreiner, Russell P Bowler, David Schwartz, Joyce Lee, Vanessa Xanthakis, Margaret Doyle, Alka M Kanaya, Mitchell S Elkind, Virginia J Howard, Victor Ortega, Prescott Woodruff, Shelley Cole, Nicholas Mantis, Monica Parker, R. Graham Barr, Elizabeth Oelsner, Ryan Demmer

Abstract P461: Changes in Cigarette Smoking Patterns During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The C4R Study.


Pallavi Balte, Yifei Sun, Asma Sharaf, Akshaya Krishnaswamy, Alexander Arynchyn, Elizabeth A Regan, Vasan S Ramachandran, David Schwartz, Wendy S Post, Alka M Kanaya, Mitchell Elkind, Virginia J Howard, Victor Ortega, Prescott Woodruff, Shelley Cole, Elizabeth C Oelsner

Consumer-Led Screening for Atrial Fibrillation: Frontier Review of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration.


Brandes A, Stavrakis S, Freedman B, Antoniou S, Boriani G, Camm AJ, Chow CK, Ding E, Engdahl J, Gibson MM, Golovchiner G, Glotzer T, Guo Y, Healey JS, Hills MT, Johnson L, Lip GYH, Lobban T, Macfarlane PW, Marcus GM, McManus DD, Neubeck L, Orchard J, Perez MV, Schnabel RB, Smyth B, Steinhubl S, Turakhia MP
