Open forum infectious diseases

Persistence, Magnitude and Patterns of Post-acute Symptoms and Quality of Life Following Onset of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Cohort Description and Approaches for Measurement.

Open forum infectious diseases

Michael J Peluso, J Daniel Kelly, Scott Lu, Sarah A Goldberg, Michelle C Davidson, Sujata Mathur, Matthew S Durstenfeld, Matthew A Spinelli, Rebecca Hoh, Viva Tai, Emily A Fehrman, Leonel Torres, Yanel Hernandez, Meghann C Williams, Mireya I Arreguin, Lynn H Ngo, Monika Deswal, Sadie E Munter, Enrique O Martinez, Khamal A Anglin, Mariela D Romero, Jacqueline Tavs, Paulina R Rugart, Jessica Y Chen, Hannah M Sans, Victoria W Murray, Payton K Ellis, Kevin C Donohue, Jonathan A Massachi, Jacob O Weiss, Irum Mehdi, Jesus Pineda-Ramirez, Alex F Tang, Megan A Wenger, Melissa T Assenzio, Yan Yuan, Melissa R Krone, Rachel L Rutishauser, Isabel Rodriguez-Barraquer, Bryan Greenhouse, John A Sauceda, Monica Gandhi, Aaron Wolfe Scheffler, Priscilla Y Hsue, Timothy J Henrich, Steven G Deeks, Jeffrey N Martin

LB8. Lower SARS-CoV-2 IgG and Pseudovirus Neutralization Titers Post-mRNA Vaccination among People Living with HIV.

Open forum infectious diseases

Matthew A Spinelli, Michael J Peluso, Kara Lynch, Cassandra Yun, David V Glidden, Timothy J Henrich, Steve Deeks, Monica Gandhi

Elevated Plasma von Willebrand Factor Levels Are Associated With Subsequent Ischemic Stroke in Persons With Treated HIV Infection.

Open forum infectious diseases

Graham SM, Nance RM, Chen J, Le J, Chung DW, Wurfel MM, Tirschwell DL, Zunt JR, Marra CM, Ho EL, Huffer A, Chow FC, Martin JN, Ryan AS, Crane HM, López JA, Liles WC

A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Immediate Antiretroviral Therapy Among Urban Persons With Newly Diagnosed Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Open forum infectious diseases

Christopoulos KA, Erguera XA, VanderZanden L, Campbell C, Green M, Tsuzuki MD, Schneider J, Coffey S, Bacon O, Gandhi M, Koester KA

A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Immediate Antiretroviral Therapy Among Urban Persons with Newly Diagnosed HIV.

Open forum infectious diseases

Katerina A Christopoulos, Xavier A Erguera, Lyndon Vanderzanden, Chadwick Campbell, Maya Green, Manami Diaz Tsuzuki, John Schneider, Susa COFFEY, Oliver Bacon, Monica Gandhi, Kimberly A Koester

Discordant Virus-Specific Antibody Levels, Antibody Neutralization Capacity, and T-cell Responses Following 3 Doses of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in a Patient With Connective Tissue Disease.

Open forum infectious diseases

Peluso MJ, Munter SE, Lynch KL, Yun C, Torres L, Iyer NS, Donatelli J, Ryan L, Deitchman AN, Deeks SG, Rutishauser RL, Henrich TJ

Characteristics of High-Titer Convalescent Plasma and Antibody Dynamics After Administration in Patients With Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019.

Open forum infectious diseases

Bainbridge ED, Hsue PY, Esensten JH, Lynch KL, Hendrickson CM, Doernberg SB, Fung M, Chin-Hong P, Di Germanio C, Norris PJ, Simmons G, Glidden DV, Luetkemeyer AF

Changes in Immune Activation During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period in Treated HIV Infection.

Open forum infectious diseases

Schnittman SR, Byakwaga H, Boum Y, Kabakyenga J, Matthews LT, Burdo TH, Huang Y, Tracy RP, Haberer JE, Kembabazi A, Kaida A, Moisi D, Lederman MM, Bangsberg DR, Martin JN, Hunt PW

High Likelihood of Accepting COVID-19 Vaccine in a Latinx Community at High SARS-CoV-2 Risk in San Francisco.

Open forum infectious diseases

Peng J, Marquez C, Rubio L, Chamie G, Jones D, Jacobo J, Rojas S, Rojas S, Tulier-Laiwa V, Black D, Martinez J, Pilarowski G, Cox C, Derisi J, Havlir D, Petersen M

Lower Urine Tenofovir Concentrations Among Individuals Taking Tenofovir Alafenamide Versus Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate: Implications for Point-of-Care Testing.

Open forum infectious diseases

Johnson KA, Niu X, Glidden DV, Castillo-Mancilla JR, Yager J, MaWhinney S, Morrow M, Okochi H, Cressey TR, Drain PK, Gandhi M, Anderson PL, Spinelli MA
